Welcome back everyone ! This is a very late back to school post very much needed as it’s already been 1 year since we have launched this newsletter.
As you may know or not know, La Chatte de Françoise has been a pantie brand for a while but it’s slowly evolving into something else.
But what is exactly going on? That is the big deal, I have no idea ! I started this brand / project to connect with other women and now I feel exhausted of dealing with a brand… So, I started this newsletter to connect, get inspired differently but I got really busy and didn’t find the time to actually make it regular.
So, I would like to ask your opinion about what type of content, topics, discussions you would be interesting to be featured. Also, would be very lovely to have some participative posts, feel free to contact & share your stories with us :)
As I realized today, I did a fake announcement again where I invited people to an online flash sale but didn’t have time to organise it properly… Oups !
I thought I would share this here because I realize I make a lot of announcements to make things happen (unconsciously) so I will ACTUALLY have to do it…
When the moment happens, I feel trapped into this vortex of things overwhelmed with mixed feelings and get anxious about it.
“Today the idea of doing something is as important as the result”
The good thing I learnt this year in a previous post is how to listen to my emotions, it is very sane to say NO indeed but I guess the bad thing is I get inconsistent into my work & life most of times…
I guess it’s the new virtual thing where today the idea of doing something is as important as the result. I am currently reading a very interesting book about it that I truly recommend:
__ Ceci tuera cela, by Annie Le Brun & Juri Armanda
“Devenue l’agent du capital, l’image est à l’origine d’une colonisation inédite: sous prétexte de nous offrir toujours plus de liberté, l’impératif de la visibilité reconfigure totalement nos façons d’être et de penser. Explorant le lien entre cette corruption de l’image et une continuelle attaque de notre imagination, ce livre montre comment, persuadés d’être de plus en plus libres, nous nous sommes bâti une prison sans murs.”
Having become the agent of capital, the image is at the origin of an unprecedented colonization: under the pretext of offering us ever more freedom, the imperative of visibility completely reconfigures our ways of being and thinking. Exploring the link between this corruption of the image and a continual attack on our imagination, this book shows how, convinced of being more and more free, we have built ourselves a prison without walls.
“Convinced of being more and more free, we have built ourselves a prison without walls”
So, here I am feeling guilty about this instagram account I can’t delete but don’t know what to do about it. I guess I’ll sleep the night and see, tomorrow is another day…
Thanks for reading & supporting this whole thing !
Much love, XO
Let’s make blogging great again <3 <3 <3
Have been going through the same struggle and dilemma. I’m fed up with IG and want to make deeper connections but I cannot say goodbye to it completely because my social life is also connected to IG and I like drawing inspiration from specific accounts. I think it’s perfectly normal how you feel. Take your time to discover what works best for you and don’t feel bad for not always joining the rat race. Your brand speaks for itself, I’m a big fan 🤗🌷